วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 23 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2560

Understanding Microphone Arrays and Beamforming



Join Sound & Video Contractor and Biamp on March 30th at 2:00 PM EST for this FREE webinar.


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What are the benefits of microphone intelligibility and user experience? What is the science behind good intelligibility? In this tutorial webcast you will learn about the vital role of directionality and directivity. We will also take a close look at principles of beamforming, methods of noise correlation, and voice tracking, wrapping up with some in-the-field examples.

About the Speaker

Iain McCowan, DSP Engineer
Iain McCowan is the Founder and Managing Director of Dev-Audio. He has extensive experience in microphone array technology, including new product development and speech recognition and enhancement.

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