วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 23 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2560

White Paper: Creating Your Alpha Channel Without Chroma Keying

White Paper: Creating Your Alpha Channel Without Chroma Keying

What are your options for creating virtual sets and backgrounds when you don't have a green screen or the right camera setup?

Presented by zLense, this white paper discusses five approaches — using a local color model, machine learning tools, per-pixel polarization, thermo-keying and analyzing three video streams — and helps you find a solution that provides better support for natural illumination.

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Berachain’s Big Week: Airdrops, NFT Bridges, and Upcoming Launch Essentials

Are you ready for Berachain's most pivotal week yet? With rumors swirling of a Mainnet release in less than seven days, the ecosystem...