MCN Newswire: DirecTV Now Aligns 'Just Right' With Consumers' Preferences; Hulu to Support Amazon's Alexa for Voice Navigation; Pai Renomination Challenged on Net-Neutrality Day of Advocacy
WHY THIS MATTERS:The package delivers 85% of the "core channels" consumers desire most, per TiVo's Q2 2017 Online Video and Pay TV Trends study, which also found that 77.5% consumers want an a la carte option and would be willing to pay $28.79 per month for a package of self-selected networks.
WHY THIS MATTERS:Voice navigation is a small but growing trend; 10.9% of respondents to a Q2 survey by TiVo said they use voice search functionality to find something to watch on TV, and 19% said they want that capability.
WHY THIS MATTERS:Citing FCC chair Ajit Pai's efforts to roll back Title II-based net-neutrality rules, Sen. Maria Cantwell said he had had moved the agency away from its key public service mission.