วันศุกร์ที่ 7 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2560

BOSS’s Acoustic Singer Pro - Great Sound and Creative Performance Features

BOSS Acoustic Singer Pro Reviewed in Guitar Player Magazine
Flagship BOSS Acoustic Amp Recognized for Great Sound and Creative Performance Features

In the August 2017 issue of Guitar Player, musician and GP contributor Jimmy Leslie put BOSS's Acoustic Singer Pro to the test for the magazine's Frets acoustic section. Jimmy praised the amp's "smooth and silky" sound, versatile two-channel design, and useful onboard features for solo performers.

He particularly liked the fact that the amp's looper allowed him to loop both vocals and guitar, putting that feature "in the awesome category." In wrapping up the review, Jimmy said, "The Acoustic Singer Pro delivers on its all-in-one promise and definitely facilitates performing as a one-man band."

Read the Full Review

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