วันอังคารที่ 2 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2560

15 Things You Might Have Missed at the NAB Show


The NAB Show has come and gone, but the learning opportunities from it never end. New technology is the hallmark of the annual Las Vegas gathering and there was a wealth of new products and advanced concepts that were introduced that can help make your job easier and your operations more profitable.

TV Technology will review the industry's most important event in our annual "15 Things You Might Have Missed at the NAB Show" webinar. If you missed the show, this is a great opportunity for you to catch up on all the new developments. (And even if you did attend, it's virtually impossible to cover everything on the show floor and in the session rooms in just four days!)

Join TV Technology on May 23th at 1:00 PM EDT for this FREE webinar.



Moderator: Tom Butts

Editor-in-Chief, TV Technology

Deborah McAdams

Executive Editor, TV Technology

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