วันศุกร์ที่ 30 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Transitioning to the Next Generation of High Resolution, Ultra High Definition Video

Transitioning to the Next Generation of High Resolution, Ultra High Definition Video

It's no surprise that a sizable majority of video production professionals believe that 4K/UHD technologies will have a big impact on the video entertainment industry. But how big? This research report from TV Technology, and sponsored by Quantum, reveals what steps you should be taking and some enlightening insight on:

- What are the primary motivations for adopting 4K/UHD technology?
- How extensively have your competitors integrated 4K/UHD technology?
- Which steps along internal workflows have been quickest to migrate to 4K/UHD? Which have lagged behind?
- How does adoption of 4K/UHD technology impact product purchases and upgrades down the line?
- How will your current workflow and archiving solutions handle these 4K/UHD files?

The video industry is moving to a 4K future, will you be part of it?

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