We work hard to bring you the latest news in the world of pro audio all year 'round, but we're taking a short break for the holidays through the new year. During our absence, our daily e-newsletter is delving through our online archives to take a look back at some of our most notable stories of 2016. Take a moment to prepare for 2017 by signing up for Pro Sound News magazine, in print and online, at http://mypsnmag.com/.
It's been said the only survivors of a nuclear war would be cockroaches and Cher's career…but then there's the Anderton Awards, "honoring" the best at this year's AES Convention. The class action lawsuit regarding the main course at last year's awards dinner could have shut down the ceremonies permanently—but at the trial, expert witness Buggles the Man-Clown proved that cooking sewer rats at extremely high temperatures can in fact eliminate most pathogens. So there! With the judge throwing out the suit, the Anderton Awards are again poised to recognize products that might not otherwise gain recognition. The prize: a mention on this otherwise prestigious website, and of course, the grand prize is…well actually, there's no grand prize. Nevermind.
"We decided to go the route of installing a brand-new desk, partly because here in New Mexico, maintenance becomes an issue. There are very few people for hundreds of miles around who can fix anything! Unlike cities like New York or Los Angeles, Santa Fe is rather bereft of technical assistance for servicing vintage gear at short notice." —Jono Manson, producer/engineer
Click to read this article from the current issue of Pro Sound News.