วันพุธที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2559

Measurement and Monitoring Essentials: A New Radio World International eBook

Measurement and Monitoring Essentials
A new eBook
from Radio World
International is
now available

Measurement and monitoring tools are a fundamental part of radio broadcasting. Broadcasters need to be able to rely on equipment and system architecture that is capable of withstanding present and future challenges.

This latest Radio World International eBook "Measurement and Monitoring Essentials" provides insight on typical architectures and workflow; how quantitative assessment can raise the quality and efficiency of radio broadcasts; and how to choose the right equipment for one's specific needs. The eBook also features information from Norway, Germany and Italy on ways broadcasters are implementing various techniques for FM and DAB+ networks; and more.

Learn more in the latest free Radio World International eBook. Read it free
now — click here!

Produced by the editors of RADIO WORLD INTERNATIONAL.


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