Digital Radio Update is a sampler of recent news about digital radio in all its forms from Radio magazine and other sources. Topics include over-the-air terrestrial technologies, streaming, satellite and other new forms of “digital radio.”
ENCO will unveil a complete Visual Radio solution powered by the DAD radio automation platform. A Visual Radio exhibit at the booth will demonstrate how to turn your station into a complete multimedia experience with automated camera switching, music video playout, advertisements, graphical overlays, and social media feeds. Learn how to seamlessly create and deliver broadcast quality video content with the most powerful and flexible radio automation system available.
Around the World
Norway: DAB+ Testing on the Water Contributor James Cridland reports on the Nordic country's efforts to ensure that its fishermen can adequately receive digital. More»
DAB Trials Set for Latvia The National Electronic Mass Media Council has decided not to offer the opportunity to commercial broadcasters during that time. More»
From Trade to Profession In the future, this will be a better profession than it currently is because of engineers who stand up for their rights. More»