Meet Us at the Show Looking for a Guest Pass for the Radio Show floor? Use Radio magazine’s code NA5273 when registering. Then come say “hi” at booth 512.
Race to $5K Challenge The Marketplace Exhibit Hall has a new feature that should excite attendees. More»
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Broadcasters around the World rely on BSI every day for their radio automation software, play out and multi-channel logging / skimming solutions. Developed and supported in the United States by a dedicated team of broadcast professionals, our software has helped BSI become one of the leading suppliers of automation needs across the world. With our remote applications you can work smarter anywhere! Remote Gateway for your Simian Automation system allows the ability to create and insert voice tracks remotely as well as manages a connection to your Simian Pro 2.2 or higher on-air or production software to Simian Remote clients on your local network, or across the internet. With our remote applications you can work smarter anywhere! Remote Gateway for your Simian Automation system allows the ability to create and insert voice tracks remotely! Simian Remote's advanced voice track editor can download intro and segue cuts that the Simian Gateway creates for the songs surrounding your voice track so that you can fully preview and set cross-over points for your voice track. Call 888-274-8721 for more information.
See How It's Made One of the last companies to manufacture vinyl records is located in Nashville. Stop by for a tour. In the meantime, see pictorial guide of how a record is made. More»
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In 1928, blind Vanderbilt University student Morris Frank decided to look into a rumor about using seeing-eye dogs as guides. He brought the very first dog back to the U.S. and started The Seeing Eye Inc. in Nashville.