วันอังคารที่ 20 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

Newsbytes: New Strategy for Kenya’s Radio Africa; Breaking Down the Analog Barrier

Radio World International NewsBytes Editor – Marguerite Clark

Radio World Announces "Best of Show" Awards at IBC
Check out the best and brightest from the recent IBC2016 show in Amsterdam.

Top Stories - Sept. 20, 2016
Breaking Down the Analog Barrier
WorldDAB's IBC session "Looking to radio's digital future — digital switchover progress and plans" offered testimonials from various countries transitioning to DAB digital radio about the current market situation and progress.

Radio Africa Adopts New Strategy
With a tactical eye on the future, the media house has thus far launched 10 radio stations, a TV station and a newspaper. Gregory Lagat reports from Nairobi.

News & Technology
POLAND: Lawo Taps LP Systems as Polish Market Partner
IBC2016: Attracts Some 55,796 Attendees
VISUAL: ChyronHego Highlights Visual Radio
WHO'S BUYING WHAT: EMF Chooses Newtec Dialog
TECHNOLOGY: The Audio World Without ISDN
TECHNOLOGY: Axia Features Updated IP-Audio interfaces
SOFTWARE: Digigram Releases IQOYA *VIP AoIP Software
USER REPORT: A-T BP40 — Big New On-Air Sound
PRODUCTS: The Pros Give VoxPro a Spin
PRODUCTS: AEQ Releases Split Forum IP

Industry Roundup
Kinshasa's Street Children Tell Their Stories on Radio (Al Jazeera)
School Radio to Promote the Voice of the Youth (The Hindu)
Eleventh Catholic Radio Station Launched in Kenya (Radio Vaticana)
Inside the Radio Station Which Only Plays Music by Dead Artists (Yorkshire Post)
Astro Malaysia Plans to Buy Radio Broadcaster for $10.2 Million (Nikkei Asian Review)
Third Hong Kong Digital Radio Station Folds After Struggling to Make Ends Meet (South Morning China Post)

Calendar of Events

Radio Show
Sept. 21–23
Omni Nashville Hotel

The Radio Festival 2016
Sept. 26
The British Library

141st AES Convention
Sept. 29–Oct. 1
Los Angeles

Western Association of Broadcasters Convention
Nov. 6–8
Calgary, Alberta

RDS2 Info Day
Nov. 8
Maison de la Radio — Radio France

World DAB General Assembly 2016
Nov. 9–10

Radio TechCon
Nov. 28

1st Annual African Radio Broadcast
Convention and Exhibition
Dec. 1–2
Southern Sun Mayfair Hotel
Nairobi, Kenya

For a full list of upcoming events visit the Radio World calendar page.

Got a Story to Tell?
Radio World wants to hear about your new facility, engineering initiative or tech tip. Write to rwieditor@nbmedia.com.

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