วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 30 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2559

The made-in-America iPhone, transparent directional speakers, DSP in wireless earbuds, BOSEbuild

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Today's Top Stories
#1 BOSEbuild speaker cube kit teaches kids the power of DIY
  By Konstatin Kakaes, MIT Technology Review
  Just in time for summer, Bose is releasing a step-by-step build kit that breaks down the science of sound and shows kids how to build their own functioning Bluetooth speaker. More»
Why This Matters: Summer project. - Cynthia Wisehart

#2 The All-American iPhone
  By Konstatin Kakaes, MIT Technology Review
  Political candidates say Apple should make phones in the United States. Let's see what that would look like. More»
Why This Matters: Fascinating and must-read (it's short). Made in America (or not, or partially…) is a complicated conversation that any technology industry must confront. Including Apple. Including AV. This story is just one little fun way to change the dialogue up a bit. In my opinion, it's important not to just keep knee-jerking into the either/or marketing we often hear from politicians and the media. Mostly likely there won't even be a single right answer. But as long as we simply circle around the same old binary conversation, we won't think of anything new. -Cynthia Wisehart

#3 The ultimate Apple I/O death chart
  By Nilay Patel and Frank Bi, The Verge
  One of the most strongly-held arguments about Apple removing the headphone jack is that Apple has historically been first to drop a legacy technology, sometimes even before the rest of the industry is ready. The floppy, SCSI, optical drives, VGA — all killed by Apple years before vanishing from the rest of the industry. But how long does it really take Apple to kill legacy tech? More»
Why This Matters: As we contemplate the fate of the headphone jack, here's an info-graphic history of lineage and death of Apple I/O. Very Game of Thrones. -Cynthia Wisehart

4. Leaked iPhone 7 chassis photo shows headphone jack replaced (Amit Chowdhry, Forbes)

5. Yamaha expands EMX powered mixers line-up (via Installation)

6. Audio Technica expands Dante product offerings with new ceiling mount microphone solutions (via The Wire@SVConline)

7. These are transparent directional glass speakers and they look amazing (Micah Singleton, The Verge)

8. Biamp Systems enhances Oreno mobile control suite with new capabilities (via TheWire@svconline)

9. Shopping: B&O Play get into the wireless earbud game with onboard DSP (Chris Wood, Gizmag)

10. From the Wire@SVConline: BrightSign gives retail businesses competitive edge with mass digital signage roll-outs

For more, see the WHY THIS MATTERS archive. Thanks, Cynthia

For daily AV industry headlines see #SVCWIRE archive

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