MCN Newswire: Comcast Defends Distribution Terms to FCC; Netflix Throttling Slammed Again; Fullscreen Launching SVOD Service With AT&T Assist
Top Stories - March 31, 2016
Comcast Defends MFNs in FCC Video Inquiry
Comcast is telling the FCC that independent and diverse content producers have a wealth of distribution options, including Comcast and NBCU outlets, and that contract provisions including most favored nation clauses and alternative distribution methods are pro-competitive or at worst "benign." more
WHY THIS MATTERS:In response to the FCC's Notice of Inquiry into access by independent programmers to distribution platforms, which will look at contractual terms on pricing and online access, Comcast said the FCC has neither a compelling policy reason nor plausible legal authority to get more involved than it is in carriage negotiations, and added that the NOI "strains to see a glass half-empty, when in fact the glass is overflowing."
Consumer Action Slams Netflix Over Slowing Speeds
Consumer Action is taking Netflix to the woodshed over the video site's slowing of traffic for some wireless ISPs but not others and without informing either the companies or their subscribers.more
WHY THIS MATTERS:While the activist group has recently come out in favor of FCC proposals on unlocking set-tops and new rules for broadband privacy -- both of which are opposed by ISPs -- in the case of Netflix's throttling, the group says ISPs are getting the short end of the stick.
Fullscreen Sets April 26 Launch of SVOD Service
Seeking another way to connect with young, millennial audiences, Fullscreen has set April 26 as the launch date of a new, ad-free international SVOD service that will be delivered over-the-top for $4.99 per month, giving subs access to more than 800 hours of feature films, acquired fare and originals. more
WHY THIS MATTERS:Fullscreen corporate cousin AT&T has signed on as the new service's "premier launch sponsor" and will work with Fullscreen to market and promote the offering to AT&T's 100 million-plus video, mobile and broadband customers.