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Circuit City: Don't Call Me RadioShack

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February 1, 2016

The New Circuit City: We Ain't No RadioShack
The revived chain will sell tech stuff out of small stores, but the similarities end there.

Circuit City Revival Begs The Question: Who Else Should Come Back?
Readers and colleagues weigh in on which vaunted retail chains are missed most.

ICYMI: Circuit City Set To Return This Spring
New York-area retail vet Ronny Shmoel is betting that the third time will be a charm for the iconic retail brand.

Big Shakeup At Staples
The chain laid off hundreds at headquarters, and is losing its longtime retail chief.

Bezos Loses Billions In Stock Sell-Off
Amazon's founder/CEO got caught in the Wall Street crossfire following a strong, but not strong enough Q4.

hhgregg Takes Another Earnings Hit
The chain reported a $27 million net loss in the quarter ended Dec. 31.

Reader Talkback
Chris Paul on the new Circuit City:
"They could be the first to offer the virtual shopping experience in the form of a city, a virtual world where shopping online means putting on a headset and entering a virtual Circuit City. Just a thought!"

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