วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 31 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2558

What Tom & McAdams Said About 2015




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Deborah McAdams - Executive Editor
Quote of the Day: "And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been." ~ Rainer Maria Rilke
On this Day: We thank all of our readers, sponsors and contributors, who make TV Technology possible. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you and Happy New Year! May you live long and prosper.
What Tom Said: 2015—The Year of OTT
To say that OTT has not had much of an impact on our industry is to deny reality.

McAdams On: 2015
A hard-hitting analysis of stuff that happened.




TVT Power Rankings: Top 10 Stories of 2015
The clock is ticking down on 2015, so what better time to look back and see what were the big stories of the year as determined by you, our readers.

Media Over IP: A Primer to Applying IP to Video Workflows
This new eBook from Harmonic lays out a common-sense look at the available technologies for migrating to an all-IP workflow.
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PEOPLE: Zylight Adds Thomas as National Sales Manager
4KTV: Panasonic VariCam 35 Cameras Shoot 4K Commercials
PRODUCTION: RUSHWORKS Launches Camera Tally System
TECH: LynTec Announces New IPC Panel
FURNITURE: Custom Consoles Control Desks Popular at Universities




Industry Roundup

VR Glove Powered by Finger Motions (IEEE Spectrum)
House Passes Emergency Information Improvement Act (Radio World)
Ergen Donates $324 Million—to Himself (Advanced Television)
Court Upholds FCC Tower-Siting Decision (Multichannel News)
Vizio's Cheapest 4KTVs Are on Sale Starting at Just $600 (engadget)


TV Technology Resource Center White Papers

"Cloud Storage Technologies Show Promise for Media Workflows" from Quantum explores the benefits of cloud storage, including improved performance, security and ROI.
"Using Live Production ServersTo Enhance TV Entertainment" from EVS describes the benefits of a multi-I/O server architecture.
"Myth and Reality of Auto-Correction in File-based Workflows" from Interra Systems attempts to shed light on auto-QC tools.
"Video Dropouts and the Challenges they Pose to Video Quality Assessment" from Interra Systems explores various kinds of video dropouts, the source of these errors, and the challenges encountered in detection of these errors.


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