The news about Samsung's first round smartwatch, the Samsung Gear A, has been getting a lot of attention lately. The wearable device, which is being referred to by insiders as "Orbis," is assumed to be officially unveiled alongside the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 and the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus this Aug.12. However, ahead of the given date, the South Korean tech giant is confirming a handful of spec rumors.
He's talked straight-faced about Facebook one day using telepathy to connect users, but with such a reality presumably a very, very long time away, Mark Zuckerberg needs something else to take his social networking service to the next level. And that something else appears to be virtual reality, a technology that, thanks to the fact that it actually exists, leads us to believe that the Menlo Park company will soon have plenty of its users connecting via face-based gear. It didn't drop $2 billion on Oculus VR for nothing, did it.
Most of us are simply physically too big to even think about becoming professional horse jockeys and riding a fleet-footed equine to Triple Crown glory. You don't have to watch your weight or spend years in training to hitch a ride on American Pharoah, the latest winner of horse racing's elusive trifecta of the Kentucky Derby, Preakness and Belmont Stakes. A new GoPro video lets you saddle up and go.