Radio World NewsBytes: FCC Fines Univision Over EAS; Radio Reading for a Winter Day
List Your 2015 Event We're early in the year, make sure we know about your event, so we can include it on the Radio World Events Calendar. Email with "Events Calendar" in the subject field. Upcoming events also are listed in NewsBytes below.
Radio Reading for Your Winter Blues Just in time to while away a winter day, Paul McLane has a roundup of some recently published books for the radioholic.
NHL Uses GoPros in Broadcast Coverage The tiny cameras are making their big-time sports debut in the hockey rink — on players. How long before they appear in other sports for the total "You are there" perspective?
Around the Industry
Radio and TV Talk Show Pioneer Joe Franklin Dies at 88 (CNN) He started on radio as a "record picker" for a music program and writer for radio personalities such as Kate Smith. After a lengthy and successful TV talk show career he returned to radio focusing on radio history and nostalgia. His knowledge and entertainment memorabilia collection were considered unmatched.
Google Mobile Service (Advanced Television) The semi-opaque tech giant seems to have a thumb in every pie. Now rumors are rampant that it is sizing up some kind of wireless service.