วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2558

Opening Day: NAMM 2015, PRS Private Stock 30th Anniversary Dragon, Wylde Audio Teases Zakk Signature Line, Roland Eric Johnson Tone Capsule, and More.


Guitar Player Fretwire


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January 22, 2015




NAMM 2015 Is On!
Each year, the NAMM Show transforms the Anaheim Convention Center into the happiest gear place on earth. If you're not able to attend this year's throwdown and see the hottest new releases first hand, stay tuned to GP's dedicated NAMM page for up-to-the-minute reports from the show floor.
Read More»




Amazing Paul Gilbert Pentatonic Lesson »




PRS Releases Private Stock 30th Anniversary Dragon »
Wylde Audio Set to Unveil New Zakk Wylde Signature Guitars, Amps, and Accessories »
Roland and Eric Johnson Team Up on Blues Cube Tone Capsule »




First Look: Boss ES-8 Effects Switching System »




Best Thing About NAMM? »




Zaim Audio
Now Available

Welcome to Zaim Audio and "The Art of Overdrive". Boutique guitar pedals and tube amplifiers that are proudly handmade in the USA to inspire musicians to reach the peak of their creativity. Enjoy and Rock On!

Price:Tubelicious Overdrive $199
Obscene Fuzz $179
Harmonic Pump $199
Hot Rod "Metal" Tubelicious OD $209
FlameThrower 50 Tube Amplifier Prices starting at $1999




Guitar EncycloMedia
12 Tone Music Publishing
Written by Legendary GRAMMY® Nominated Music Educator Mike Overly

What do Lee Ritenour and Author Mike Overly Want You to Know?

That the 5 form CAGED system is so '80's!

With over 323 pages of total fretboard knowledge in one book, Guitar EncycloMedia thoroughly presents how chords, scales and arpeggios combine to enable you to play something uniquely different every time with every song. Let Guitar EncycloMedia show you how to dramatically improve your playing by learning 7 Forms on the holistic fretboard.

Guitar EncycloMedia ~ taking guitar to the next degree!


Use code "12tone10" and receive a special 10% discount on this amazing book that has guitarists everywhere raving about their ability to finally understand the guitar fretboard!


Contemporary Guitar Improvisation
(Utilizing the Entire Fingerboard) Book & CD
by Marc Silver
Now Available

Since 1978, Contemporary Guitar Improvisation is THE classic book for learning guitar improvisation. This innovative system is based on five basic fingering patterns that form the foundation for improvising over virtually any chords, in any key, across the entire fingerboard. All patterns are diagrammed, so note-reading ability is not necessary. Recommended by guitar legend George Benson.

Price: $42.00 USD (includes delivery in the U.S.)



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