Electro-Voice ETX Powered Loudspeaker Series By Strother Bullins My favorite “workhorse” portable PA line of the last few years would have to be the ZLX Series by Electro-Voice. At $349 street, the ZLX-12P powered two-way speaker is a true bargain that works incredibly well as a main, monitor or auxiliary speaker.
The ETX is a marked step up from the ZLX in build, component and cabinetry materials, DSP functionality and more. More »
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Perry Margouleff on Supporting Music “for the Right Reasons” By Steve Harvey Margouleff played The Royal Sessions for a record label executive: “[He’s] on the 30th floor with the $2 million office, the $150,000 stereo, and he’s super nice to me. He takes Paul Rodgers’ CD and puts it in his stereo, and he puts his feet up on his desk and closes his eyes for 40 minutes. He does not open his eyes, he does not go verse-chorus-click, onto the next song—he sits there and he listens to the whole record. And he says, ‘This is the best-sounding record I’ve heard in years; this is unbelievable.'
“But, he says, ‘Nobody will buy it, because Paul’s 64 years old. People don’t listen to conventional music anymore, with real arrangements.’ And I thought to myself, this is insane; I didn’t want to argue with him, but I was thinking, how did Adele sell 27 million records of songs with real arrangements?”
Margouleff continues, “And then he says to me, ‘Why are you working with old guys? You should be working with 20-year-olds, with your talent. You should be developing new artists.’ I said, I would be very happy to work with new, young artists—and I do—but I’m also not prejudiced. No one ever told Louis Armstrong that he was too old to make good music.” More »