Radio World NewsBytes: BBG on Shortwave’s Future; Music Licensing Difficulties
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Top Stories - 08.04.14
Shortwave Audience Still Dropping in Most Markets A new report for the Broadcasting Board of Governors, "To Be Where the Audience Is," argues that the shortwave listening audience is in a long-term decline and that more emphasis should be placed on newer technologies.
Commentary: Throwing More Gas on the Music Licensing Fire Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth lawyer Kevin M. Goldberg examines the "threats" that radio broadcasters face on a number of fronts when it comes to music licensing costs. The Dept. of Justice is reviewing the long-standing ASCAP/BMI agreement. If that agreement were undone, broadcasters could find their costs soaring.
Comcast Confirms Broadband Speed Hikes (Multichannel News) The cable ISP has confirmed that it is rolling out a set of speed upgrades that will affect three of its broadband tiers in California, as well as select markets in Kansas, Missouri and Texas.
Around the Industry
Making Money With the Connected Car (Quartz) The connected car is a cool idea. But is it nothing more than the latest "helicopter in every driveway" technofantasy? How can automakers realistically make money from the futuristic Internet-connected car?
Alan Freed's Ashes Evicted ( Say it ain't so! The cremated remains of the popularizer, if not the inventor, of the term "rock'n roll," were unceremoniously removed from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The remaining Alan Freed exhibit is being moved to another part of the museum.