วันพุธที่ 29 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2557

Studer Vista X Console Taps CPU Chips for DSP, Vastly Expanding Audio Channels

Today's Top Business Story - 01.29.14

Studer Vista X Console Taps CPU Chips for DSP, Vastly Expanding Audio Channels »
by Lindsey Adler
Harman's Studer unveiled three years of DSP R&D with the Vista X broadcast console featuring the Infinity Core processing engine, controlling over 800 audio DSP channels and more than 5,000 inputs and outputs.

Revamped SCN InfoComm Installation Product Awards
SCN has updated its InfoComm Installation Product Awards program to include a completely new set of categories that better reflect today's business of AV design and integration. More »
Today's Business News
InfoComm Hosts Executive Conference September 23-25 »
InfoComm International will be hosting its second annual AV Executive Conference and Golf Tournament September 23-25, 2014.
SurgeX Joins USAV, Association of ProAV Integrators »
SurgeX has become a USAV Preferred Manufacturer Partner (PMP).
Alpha Video Hires Two Senior Broadcast Engineers »
Responding to increasing sales by its Sports & Entertainment Group and Broadcast Systems Group, Alpha Video recently hired two Senior Broadcast Engineers.
Shure Opens New Sales and Marketing Office in Miami »
Shure Incorporated has opened an office in Miami, expanding the company's global presence and broadening its reach throughout the Americas.
Feature of the Day
Let's Get Wild »
Georgia-born country music artist Bill Gentry had already built a significant underground following in the Southeast for his high-energy live shows when he opened Wild Bill's, a dance club and concert hall.
Survey of the Week
Which CES product will have the greatest impact on pro AV? »
Quote of the Day
"The AV Executive Conference allows industry leaders to break away from the everyday and connect in a meaningful way. It is not just a parade of talking heads, but an interactive forum designed to help you absorb business advice from world-class speakers, network with the leading names in AV and create actionable plans to improve your business, all in a beautiful setting."
--David Labuskes, CEO, InfoComm International

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