วันพุธที่ 29 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2557

Broadband Bias, Olympics Broadcasting, Binge Viewing, Social TV, Strong Growth Forecast for Video

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January 29, 2014

Connect 2 Media & Entertainment, which launched in 2013, is a resource to help you as a media professional keep up with developments not only in your own business segment but across all industry sectors. Find out what's happening in TV, radio, digital media, film, event spaces, enterprise, and much more by visiting www.c2meworld.com each day.

Analyst Sees Fast Growth for All Forms of Video
Video is hot. Online video has been getting most of the fevered attention, but offline video--that is, television--is much bigger and also showing strong growth.
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Olympics Broadcasters Emphasize Multiscreen Experiences
An Olympics news channel will broadcast 456 hours of coverage, a key component for many broadcasters' online strategies.
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FCC's Broadband Bias Comes at the Expense of Broadcasting
Echoing many of the arguments the National Association of Broadcasters has been making, former Republican FCC chairman Mark Fowler said the FCC should put down the "broadband pompoms" long enough to adopt a more "realistic vision" of the public benefits of broadcasting.
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No, Pandora Is Not "Radio"
Pandora wants people to think they're radio, because people love radio, and advertisers understand radio's power and connection, but they are not radio.
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My Two Cents: Binge Viewing to Stay Awake Late at Night
Binge viewing defies the way many of us were trained to watch television. It goes against healthy living and good logic, but it's just as satisfying as munching on potato chip after potato chip.
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Where There's a Will, There's a 4K
There is already a groundswell. Computer manufacturers and software developers have been releasing 4K-capable products for some time.
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Is "Binge Viewing" Responsible for Better TV? »
Social TV is Broken: Here's How to Fix It »
Why Television is Dead »

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