WLW Blog Firestorm; LPFMers Eye Window and Shutdown
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Top Stories - 10.02.13
Strong Reaction to WLW Blog on AM In an opinion piece posted to Cincinnati's WLW(AM) website, Darryl Parks, a Clear Channel corporate program director, had strong statements about AM and the FCC's revitalization proposals that were being worked on before the government shutdown.
Shutdown Worries Some LPFM Filers Some groups and consultants helping would-be low-power FM station owners prepare for the upcoming filing window are nervous about the government shutdown.
WFUV Is Now 'NY's Music Discovery' (Paragon Media) Connect 2 Media & Entertainment features a mix of tech content, conversation and curation. Here: WFUV(FM) in New York is rebranding itself. It's dumping NPR content and expanding its music output. New brand — "NY's Music Discovery."
Around the Industry
NAB to Hill: Broadcasters Remain Key First Informers (B&C) A National Association of Broadcasters witness, WFMZ(TV) President and GM Barry Fisher, told a House subcommittee Monday that TV and radio remain key to the nation's emergency alert system.
CEA Forecasts Rise in Holiday Retail Sales (TV Technology) The Consumer Electronics Association is predicting growth in retail sales for the upcoming holiday season. The growth should come for brick-and-mortar shops along with online shopping.
Band Demands Payment From Radio Stations (Spy Ghana) It seems that the United States isn't the only place where royalties and who-gets-paid-for-what-and-when is generating controversy. The Ghanaian pair FOKN Bois is boycotting Ghana's commercial broadcasters, saying, "because radio doesn't pay us for playing our music, we don't make music for radio anymore."
Your Very Own Atomic Wristwatch (CNET) The smartwatch is so last quarter. The true hipster is eyeballing Bathys Hawaii's Cesium 133 atomic wristwatch. Yes, a real live miniaturized atomic clock can be on your wrist. The prototype shown is a little clunky though it does have a certain Man From U.N.C.L.E. 1960s future-tech look to it.