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Multiviewers Assimilate Newsroom Displays

Brought to you by: TV Technology Magazine serving the Broadcast, Production, Broadband, Satellite and Mobile Markets
Top Stories - 08.01.13
Deborah McAdams - Executive Editor

Quote of the Day: "Some weasel took the cork out of my lunch." ~ W.C. Fields
On this day: In 1963, WQAD-TV began broadcasting in the Quad Cities area of Iowa and Illinois.
Multiviewers Assimilate Newsroom Displays
Multiviewers, coupled with large flat-panel displays, are the proverbial better mousetrap. Television control rooms used to be filled with bulky, hot and frequently temperamental CRT displays, one for each source or signal fed into the room, as well as two or more large CRT monitors for program, preview and other important signals. More»
CEA Study Says Seven Percent of TV Households Use Antennas
The most recent study found that seven percent of those households rely solely on antennas for TV reception. The CEA's estimate stands in contrast to figures released by media analysts at GfK, publisher of The Home Technology Monitor. GfK found that 19.3 percent of American households—as many as 60 million Americans—rely exclusively on over-the-air TV. More»
Do DSLRs Have a Place in Broadcast? ~ by Bill Hayes
I don't think this market is lost on the more traditional DSLR manufacturers.More»
NewBay Issues Call for Entries for Inaugural Product Innovation Awards
To be considered, the hardware, software or other products must be either new or have been upgraded since Jan.1, 2012. The nomination deadline is Aug. 31. More»

News & Technology
OTT: Comcast Launches Cloud-based TV Everywhere in Utah
COMMS: KTLA 5 Equips New Truck With Riedel
TRAFFIC: More Than 2,500 Stations and Networks Are Live on WideOrbit
WEATHER: AMT Creates WRC's Storm Team 4x4 With ATEM Television Studio
PEOPLE: Video Edge Seeks Technical Editor

Industry Roundup
NBC Sports Network, Cowboys to Present 360-Degree View With 'FreeD' (Connect 2 Media & Entertainment)
FCC, Townsquare Media Settle Cigarette Ad Dispute (Radio World)
Chromecast Review: Finally, an Easy Way to Watch the Web on TV (MIT Technology Review)
Report: Facebook Preparing to Launch TV-Style Vide Ads for $1 Million and Up (Lost Remote)
DirecTV Arbitration Won't Include Best Buy (Courthouse News Service)
TV Technology White Papers
NEW: "Beyond CALM," from Linear Acoustic offers a comprehensive, beginning-to-end approach to measuring and controlling loudness.
"Efficiency is the Key Factor When Choosing a High-Power Broadcast Transmitter," from Rohde and Schwarz discusses the pros and cons of energy-conserving transmitter technologies.
"Transmission System Total Cost of Ownership," from Harris provides an overview on reducing overall transmission facility costs of ownership. Multiple factors must be considered.
"Optimizing Hardware Systems for Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, After Effects CS6, SpeedGrade CS6, and Photoshop Extended CS6," from Adobe discuses how users of Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, After Effects CS6, SpeedGrade CS6, and Photoshop Extended CS6 software—can analyze their needs based on the type of work they do.


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