IBC 2013: Enter the Future Zone The Future Zone lets delegates see tomorrow's electronic media tech today. Untangling the Confusion of Workflow Solutions IBC Workflow Solutions makes sense of file-based production issues from start to finish
Ross Video Highlights Dashboard V. 6.0, Vision Switchers, Routers and More Expanded lineup, increased focus on EMEA market. Adtec Digital and Work Microwave Showcase Video ACM The product automatically optimizes an operator's satellite link budget.
Miranda Demonstrates Commitment to Integration New multiviewer series and 4K UHDTV to be featured. dB Broadcast Shows MERlin at IBC 2013 MERlin provides off-air demodulation and monitoring of DVB-T2 and DVB-T signals.
Jampro Antenna Brings New Antennas to IBC 2013 The new UHF Broadband Medium Power panel antenna for Bands IV & V works in DTV, ISDB-T, DVB-T/H, NTSC or PAL. Quantel Spotlighting Range of Broadcast/Post Solutions Pablo Rio can handle 4K 60fps production and deliver more than 20 layers of colour correction at full resolution in realtime.
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