วันอังคารที่ 31 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2565

Sports Production Ebook Is Now Available


Sports Production
Ebook Is Now Available

The Integration Guide to Streaming Ebook 

Live televised sports has never been more popular worldwide. In the U.S., the most watched programs monitored by Neilsen are consistently dominated by the NFL, with the Super Bowl traditionally drawing the most viewers of any program annually.

Broadcasters have known this for years and their streaming competitors have also woken up to this fact. Amazon Prime is now broadcasting exclusive NFL games on Thursday nights and recently Apple TV and NBCU's Peacock signed multi-year deals to stream live MLB games. On first glance, these streamers obviously follow what works, techniques that broadcasters have had decades to perfect, in bringing live sports to viewers' living rooms.  

However, expect to see new innovations from streamers that play to their strengths, including enhanced interactivity and data mining that will satisfy the most ardent sports fans. Broadcasters as well are also experimenting with advanced technologies as well, including new camera angles, real-time graphics and remote production.
In this month's ebook, we examine how media companies are deploying the latest tech advances to transform the way viewers follow their favorite teams.

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