วันศุกร์ที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2565

Special Guide to Archiving Ebook Is Now Available


Special Guide to Archiving
Ebook Is Now Available

The Integration Guide to Streaming Ebook 

Archiving and preserving media is an important responsibility of any media organization, from at home production setups and small post houses to the largest facilities and networks. As the channels for media distribution expand, the value of legacy content also rises as operators seek to provide more content with more context, particularly in the age of "fake media" and in the future—"deep fakes."

For news stations, in particular, the responsibility of maintaining and preserving legacy content as a civic duty is also commensurate with the monetization of such content when it comes to adding value to  your brand. 

In this month's Guide to Archiving, we take a look at not only why archiving is so important, we also examine how advances in cloud and storage technologies are allowing us to increase reliability and accessibility to preserve and maintain our legacy content.

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