วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 4 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2564

AV Technology's Tech Manager's Guide to Inspired Video Walls


AV Technology's Tech Manager's Guide to Inspired Video Walls

 eBook is Now Available
Produced by the editors of AV Technology


The Integration Guide to Streaming Ebook

When it comes to delivering excitement through pro AV, there's few challengers to the superiority of the mighty video wall. One of the fastest developing categories in the business, there's as many approaches to creating immersive, big-picture displays as there are applications for them. In this eBook, we take a look at examples of captivating installations across a variety of verticals, from museums and libraries to control rooms and stadiums, as well as the latest technologies behind these stellar systems. 


  • Case Studies of Exceptional Video Wall Installations
  • The Latest Products from Top Manufacturers

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