วันอังคารที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2563

Worship Technology

Worship Technology

Cinematic cameras, immersive audio, IMAG, and streaming

eBook is Now Available

Produced by the editors of 


In these unprecedented times, media ministers and their AV partners are serving and expanding their communities with fast-paced innovation. Upgrades and new workflows have always been attractive--they're now instrumental to mission. Some of these upgrades pre-dated COVID, as churches strive for more compelling content and engagement. Others such as hybrid programming and drive-in worship are in response to the pandemic and beyond.

In this eBook

  • Cinematic style for worship
  • Multi-channel live streaming
  • Outdoor/drive-in gathering
  • Intercom for live performance
  • IMAG power protection
  • Immersive audio and electro-acoustics

Click here to access Worship Technology Cinematic cameras, immersive audio, IMAG, and streaming eBook


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