วันศุกร์ที่ 29 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2563

Future Best of Show 2020 Program Guide

Best of Show 2020 Program Guide

eBook Is Now Available

Take a Tour of New Products Announced This Spring!

While we might have missed walking the aisles of the exhibit floor at the NAB Show, innovations in media technology still made industry news this spring. Hot off the digital presses, this Future Best of Show Special Program Guide is a great way to learn about new products introduced for TV, film, video, streaming, radio and pro AV business sectors.

This digital guide features all of the nominees that participated in this year's special version of the Best of Show Awards program, held online in the absence of the 2020 NAB Show. It allows companies to tell you in their own words why they believe a certain product is noteworthy. An award logo at the top of a page indicates a winning product.


 Read it here!


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