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New Speakers Announced! Early bird rate expires Friday 5/10!

Save $100 when you register by Friday 5/10 - See the expanded speaker lineup for The Programmatic TV Summit
Engage with a variety of experts debating the future of television
Speakers for The Programmatic TV Summit include industry giants and subject matter experts, providing attendees with the unique opportunity to gain insights from some of TV & video's leading executives. Discussions include the most pressing issues facing TV distribution, advertising, audience measurement, big data, and technology.

Save $100 when you register before May 10, 2019

2019 Speakers

Agenda At-A-Glance
View Online
Monday, June 24, 2019

8:00 AM Registration Opens & Continental Breakfast

9:10 AM Opening Keynote Conversation

9:45 AM TV Automation: State of the State Overview

10:00 AM Panel Discussion: Automating TV Advertising: Promise or Peril?

10:50 AM "Big Think" Conversation: Programmatic CTV

10:50 AM Panel Discussion: Data Meets Inventory: New Wine in Old Wineskins?

12:15 PM Networking Lunch

1:20 PM Keynote Conversation

1:55 PM Panel Discussion: The "National" TV/Video Seller Perspective

2:45 PM "Big Think" Conversation: Creative

3:20 PM Panel Discussion: The "Local" TV/Video Seller Perspective

3:55 PM Closing Keynote Conversation: The View from Advertising's Buy-Side

4:45 PM Cocktail Reception


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