วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 12 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2561

Today's Top Posts on NDIcentral


Here are the most talked about posts on NDIcentral, the live social media hub that that has links to the latest opinions, technology overviews, and news surrounding the Network Device Interface standard for using video over IP in live production for broadcast and AV.

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NDI is resolution independent - any resolution, standard or custom, can be sent over IP: newtek.com/blog/villanova…… #NDICentral #AV #digitalsignage #liveproduction

San Diego Lan

At our SDRL Championships we used #NDI to stream our matches from the caster booth to the light/sound booth in the theater to be projected on the big screen. https://youtu.be/3dkc_h6RHg0 Find out how NDI might help your setup for streaming/casting/event presentation.


[VIDEO] Facebook Streaming using TriCaster Standard Edition

Getting top production quality but containing the costs makes it possible to cover any sport at a profit. Here's how its done with Formula Drift racing and an All-IP workflow: newtek.com/blog/adrenalin…… #NDICentral #sports #IPvideo
Very informative talk about sports production practices between Broadcast Beat and Tupelo-Raycom's John Servizzi: newtek.com/blog/2017/04/0…… #NDICentral #sportsproduction #broadcast
X-keys keypads and joysticks are adding the capability to control NDI PTZ cameras: buff.ly/2tL9V1r… #NDICentral #PTZcameras #liveproduction



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