วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 31 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2561

Today's Top #MyInfoComm2018 Stories


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AV Technology
You won't want to miss #InfoComm18 Emerging Trends day in the Westgate Ballroom A/B #avtweeps #MyInfoComm18 bit.ly/2skpcGG

Megan A Dutta

"Bright lights, loud noises. Temptation. As the world of AV converges upon Las Vegas, prepare for sensory inundation from all fronts—and not just from the City of Sin." - @Pruznick on #InfoComm18 in his @AVTechnologyMag Edit Letter. http://ow.ly/Zado30khfgT #MyInfoComm2018 #AVTweeps

@MeganADutta's tips for first-time attendees to #InfoComm18: Emerging Trends Day, comfy shoes and water #MyInfoComm2018 #avtweeps
#Hospitality managers: #InfoComm18 is your one-time opportunity to get the full tour of Wynn Las Vegas Sportsbook, with video walls, touch panels, and controls by Crestron! http://ow.ly/rHpx50htETm
InfoComm 2018
If you get hungry during #InfoComm18, we recommend the food trucks at The Park. buff.ly/2IBqfYE #InfoComm18Tips



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