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Announcement: NewBay Launches Need To Know Content Series

NewBay's Need To Know Content Series


New Series Launches with Focus on Blockchain and Its Impact Across All Business Technology Buying Sectors; 5G, Cybersecurity, AI Installments to Follow

NEW YORK, NY (April 3, 2018) — Data-driven solutions provider NewBay today launched a new continuous mobile, social, video, live event, and magazine editorial content series called "Need to Know." The series, to be posted first on NewBay's recently-enhanced digital platform, will provide insights about emerging disruptive technologies, focusing on how they directly impact purchase decision makers. Need to Know will help audiences in all sectors served by NewBay — AV, audio, video, TV, broadcast, consumer technology, education — understand challenges they must be aware of to best leverage new opportunities and prepare for future evolution.

The inaugural Need to Know installment, launched today on all NewBay U.S. BtoB websites, focuses on the much-hyped and fairly convoluted blockchain. This includes an easily-shared explainer video, and links to related content created to help readers investigate how blockchain will directly affect their specific industries.

"There are certain technologies that challenge and create opportunities for every audience we serve," says Joe Territo, Chief Content Officer, NewBay. "Our entire content team is providing all of those professionals with high-value insights about these disruptors. We've leveraged the full power of our content creators to make April 2018 'Need to Know: Blockchain' month, and we'll continue to provide this kind of deep insight into emerging technologies throughout the year — on all of our websites, with video storytelling, at our live events, and in our magazines."

Click here to access the "Need to Know: Blockchain" multimedia overview and links to industry-specific articles.

While Need to Know will continue to provide blockchain insights, as they emerge, to all NewBay audiences, future Need to Know topics will include 5G, VR/AR, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and robotics.

For information on Need to Know sponsorship opportunities, contact Tom Rousseau, trousseau@nbmedia.com.

Have a topic you would like to see covered in "Need to Know"? Send your suggestions to NeedtoKnow@nbmedia.com.

Websites Where You Can Find Need to Know: AVNetwork.com, BroadcastingCable.com, CreativePlanetNetwork.com, GovernmentVideo.com, MixOnline.com, Multichannel.com, ProSoundNetwork.com, RadioMagOnline.com, RadioWorld.com, ResidentialSystems.com, SVCOnline.com, TechLearning.com, TVTechnology.com, Twice.com.

Magazines Publishing Need to Know: AV Technology, Broadcasting & Cable, Mix, Multichannel News, Pro Sound News, Radio World, Residential Systems, Sound & Video Contractor, Systems Contractor News, Tech & Learning, TV Technology, TWICE.

NewBay is positioned at the center of the world's most dynamic industries — Music, AV/Pro Audio, Consumer Electronics/Gaming, Video & Broadcast and Education. We connect and inform millions of constituents in these industries through our award-winning content, integrated media capabilities, and high-profile network-building and informative events. NewBay proudly serves some of the broadest B-to-B professional and music enthusiast communities in the world through over 35 print and digital publications, more than 35 integrated web and mobile applications, more than 60 e-newsletters, over 50 conferences and conventions, custom marketing services, and e-commerce capabilities. Find out more at http://www.newbaymedia.com.

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