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Digital Signage for Retail Spaces eBook is Now Available

ALL NEW Digital Edition of 
Digital Signage
is Now Available

Digital Signage for Retail Spaces
eBook is Now Available

Digital Signage for Retail Spaces is a special supplement to Digital Signage Magazine that provides integrators and end users with advice, product news, and how-to tips about technology solutions for the retail space.

To check out the digital edition of Digital Signage for Retail Spaces, click here or on the button below:

This issue includes:

  • The Retail Resurgence: Technology tools and the increasing importance of the on-site shopping experience.
  • Creating the "Endless Aisle" at Toys 'R' Us.
  • Nike Soho New Retail Experience. Nike's newest retail innovation is a 55,000-square-foot store in downtown New York designed to reimagine the consumer retail experience. 
  • What Moment Factory and Singapore's Changi Airport Can Teach the World about Traveler Engagement
  • New Product roundup


Produced by the editors of DIGITAL SIGNAGE MAGAZINE.


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