Audionamix, the industry leader in audio source separation, is officially releasing XTRAX STEMS, the world's first fully-automatic stem creator. XTRAX STEMS can easily separate any song into its drum, vocal and remaining music components. Created for DJs, music producers and remix artists, XTRAX STEMS allows users to create multitrack content to control during live sets, opening up possibilities for easy sampling and a cappella creation! XTRAX STEMS includes export compatibility with Native Instruments' revolutionary Stems file format, making it easier than ever to integrate results into live sets, new mashups and remixes. XTRAX STEMS can be used also by musicians to practice along with their favorite tracks. Singers and drummers can play along with the song with the vocals or drums turned off. They can also listen to soloed vocal or drum parts to spot all the details of the original performance, vocal harmonies, and mixing techniques. |