วันพุธที่ 31 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2561

Apple asked us to think different. BOXX asks you to think again.

Make the Switch!
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In days past, the brilliant minds at Apple devoted significant resources and innovation to hardware specifically designed for creative professionals. But over time, powerful Mac towers were eclipsed by iPhones and iPads. Mac Pro disappointed, but no upgrades followed, and the new iMac Pro is just yesterday's technology arriving tomorrow.

What happened to innovation for video editors?

For 22 years, BOXX stayed true to their roots, crafting workstations made and supported in the U.S.A. by experts who know the ideal configuration for your software applications. From innovations like overclocked Intel® Core™ i7 and dual 22-core Intel® Xeon® processors, to liquid cooling, multi-GPUs, and more, BOXX accelerates workflows and increases productivity like never before.

So make the switch to innovation. It lives on at BOXX.
For a video comparison, exclusive benchmarks, and more,


Toll-free: 877-877-2699   |   Outside U.S.: 512-835-0400

CLICK HERE to consult with a BOXX performance specialist or email sales@boxx.com.
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