MCN Newswire: Viewers Seek Scary Shows to Counter Real-World Fears; 26 TV Stations Go Off the Air After Spectrum Payouts; Reality's On-Demand Status Rising
WHY THIS MATTERS:The desire to experience the things that will frighten us is a longstanding, profitable phenomenon, offering viewers a strange safety net that comes with experiencing these scares while knowing they're not real. It's a feeling even more in demand right now, when people are seeking a level of control and a greater degree of hope about the world around them.
WHY THIS MATTERS:Of those that went off the air after receiving their spectrum auction payouts, 14 had initially said they planned to continue broadcasting via spectrum sharing arrangements.
WHY THIS MATTERS:Subscription VOD services have typically viewed unscripted programming as voyeuristic and low-end, but as they mature and proliferate -- and viewers watch more reality shows on demand -- SVOD services' attitude toward nonfiction could be changing.