วันอังคารที่ 26 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2560

Prophet Rev2 - The Most Anticipated Analog Poly Synth Of The Year Is Here

Prophet Rev2 • 16-Voice Analog Synth • Now Shipping!

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The most anticipated analog poly synth of the year is here — now in both keyboard and desktop versions!

The Prophet Rev2 packs 16 massive, all-analog voices, classic Curtis lters, a mind-blowingly deep mod matrix, two types of sequencers, and a potent array of effects into 5 octaves of performance power. Layered pads, gritty industrial textures, blistering leads, soulful splits, it's all here. And it's 100% compatible with your favorite Prophet '08 presets. Fits comfortably in your budget — and your backpack.

Propbet Rev2 Desktop Module Details

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