วันจันทร์ที่ 28 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2560

New eBook: Virtual Placement Family


As a producer, you're driven to create moments within a live broadcast that not only grabs your viewer's attention, but also enriches the acute nature of visual storytelling.

Placing virtual graphics via camera tracking within live video is quickly becoming the new normal among news, sports and entertainment producers who are constantly dreaming up fresh ways to engage their audiences.

While some have regarded the placement of virtual graphics within live video to be a "complex art", from our point of view placing virtual graphics within live video should be a quick and simple process, with no need to add any specialist camera encoders or lengthy calibration processes. Your virtual graphics should be capable of being placed into a scene within minutes of setup, ready for use in virtually any live broadcast scenario, from augmenting physical studio-sets with virtual objects to much larger scenes such as sports arenas, race tracks, or landscapes.

This eBook focuses attention on three ChyronHego solutions: Virtual Placement, Virtual 1st, and Virtual Football.

Click HERE to find out.


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