วันศุกร์ที่ 7 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2560

CEDIA 2017 — One Week Left for Early Bird Savings

CEDIA Training
CEDIA 2016
CEDIA 2017 — One Week Left for Early Bird Savings

Early bird savings for CEDIA 2017 end July 14.

Members and non-members can save 25% on training, and non-members can save on floor admission (CEDIA members get in FREE). Register now — and we'll see you by the sea this September.


With 20,000 attendees, 500+ exhibitors and more than 150 CEDIA training opportunities (we've added more than 70 courses and labs this year), CEDIA 2017 is THE show for exponential innovation, connections, and learning.

Oh, and did we mention it's in San Diego this year? Add exponential sunshine to the list.

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