วันพุธที่ 24 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2560

[Webinar] See How Electronics Retailers Beat Fraud with Kount

Live Webinar: See How Kount Works for Electronics

Live Webinar

See How Kount Works

Specializing in Consumer Electronics, Computer Hardware, Office Equipment, Musical Instruments, Shipping and Logistic

Thursday, June 1st

9:30 A.M. PDT / 12:30 P.M. EDT
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Electronics are a top 3 target for online fraudsters and criminal gangs. And with thin margins, some merchants report that for every fraud loss they take, they need to make up to dozens of additional sales to recover.

Attend this live webinar and discover more about Kount's fraud-beating and sales-boosting solution for the Electronics Industry – this includes Consumer Electronics, Computer Hardware, Office Supplies & Equipment, Musical Instruments and Shipping/Logistics.

Get a behind-the-scenes view and see how the Kount platform analyzes hundreds of relevant variables and activity across the globe – helping thousands of merchants short-circuit fraud and amp up sales!


Presented by:

Aaron Harris
Aaron Harris
Sales Executive, Kount
Shane Westwood
Shane Westwood
Marketing Program Manager, Kount
Register for the Webinar

Kount Inc. 917 S. Lusk Street, Boise, Idaho

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