วันจันทร์ที่ 29 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2560

"Trends in Consoles" – A New Radio World eBook

Trends in Consoles
A new eBook
from Radio World
now available

The mighty radio broadcast console, desk, board, mixer has long been seen as the command center of the radio broadcast enterprise. But the familiar console is changing almost, if not quite, beyond recognition.

Radio World's latest eBook explores its evolution by asking manufacturers:

  • How has IP technology changed radio broadcast consoles and where is it taking the console of the future
  • What's the latest in touchscreen-based consoles
  • The V-word "Console Virtualization"
  • How are other technologies such as Bluetooth being integrated into broadcast consoles and mixers
  • Is the analog hardware console played out or will it be the vinyl record of the broadcast studio?

Read it here!



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