วันจันทร์ที่ 22 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2560

Tech Sales Hit $137B For Top 100 Retailers


TWICE Retail eWeekly


May 22, 2017


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It's Time To Re-Embrace The Baby Boomers
A view from inside the Top 100.
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5 Ways Brands Should Play Hardball With Retail Giants
The direct-to-consumer imperative.
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Tech Sales Hit $137B For Top 100 Retailers
2016 was another rough-and-tumble year for tech retail, as a slow transition to smart CE and the black-hole-like pull of Amazon put a damper on industrywide growth.
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DJI Drones Take Flight With New Age Distribution Deal
New Age Electronics has expanded its drone offerings through a new agreement with DJI, a leader in civilian drones and aerial imaging.
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