วันอังคารที่ 2 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2560

Record High Resolution Vocals And Guitar On iPhone or iPad

Record high resolution vocals and guitar on iPhone or iPad
iTrack One Pre - Focusrite's easiest to use, high-quality mic pre and instrument input for iPhone and iPad. Compact, portable and designed for recording high resolution audio without the need for external power. It even generates phantom power from iPhones and iPads without significantly draining their battery life, so you can record with professional condenser microphones whenever and wherever you want.
Find Out More 
Connect your mic to a class-leading Focusrite preamp and experience their world famous sound quality on iOS.
Officially Apple MFi certified on all iOS devices up to the iPhone 6s Plus and iPad Pro, so you know it will work perfectly with your iOS devices and apps.
Now available exclusively at  F_iTrackOnePre_amazonLogo.jpg
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