วันพุธที่ 31 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2560

Must See Consoles

Consoles are central to bringing together all the elements of a production and getting it to air. This special promotional guide highlights several must-see consoles.

Lawo | Wheatstone

Lawo mc²96 Grand Production Console

Lawo's new mc²96 optimizes performance within IP video production environments with native SMPTE 2110 support as well as AES67, RAVENNA, MADI and DANTE®. It offers 24–200 faders, 21.5-inch full HD touchscreens, touch-sensitive encoders and extended free controls. LiveView™ video thumbnails display stills, icons or motion video on each fader. External PCs and software applications can be controlled by the console's touchscreen, keyboard and touchpad. Multiple mix-assist systems including Automix, AMBIT upmix, downmix, audio-follow-video, integrated RTW TM9 Goniometer and superb tools for surround and 3D/immersive sound mixing better enable sound engineers to focus on overall balance and sound quality.

Website: www.lawo.com

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Consoles Utilizing IP Audio Networking Means Lower Costs, Greater Capabilities

How can IP audio networking make a difference in staffing, cost and workflow? Can it help as you add more production to your studio time? And, what about AES67, AVB or other standards? Wheatstone discusses all this and more, showcasing IP audio networking with integrated full-system control. Our IP-networked digital audio mixing consoles/control surfaces give you hands-on, intuitive control of your entire system and come in configurations to fit virtually any budget and application. Wheatstone offers IP audio networking that's actually designed for TV.

Website: iptv.wheatstone.com

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