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MCN Newswire: Attorney Outlines 'Redlining' Campaign Against AT&T; Muni Broadband Nets Failing to Cover Costs; HBO, Jon Stewart Nix Digital Shorts Project


Multichannel Newswire


May 25, 2017


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Today's Top Stories
Attorney Pledges Multi-Front Campaign Against AT&T
Daryl Parks appears unpersuaded by telco's redlining denial
WHY THIS MATTERS: The lawyer representing "Cleveland Broadband Consumers" in claiming AT&T is "redlining" service said his gameplan includes raising questions about AT&T's fitness for the multi-billion-dollar contract to manage emergency services network FirstNet.
Study: Half of Muni Broadband Networks Are in the Red
New report finds only two buildouts on track to cover project costs
WHY THIS MATTERS: The study of 20 municipal fiber network buildouts concluded that 90% of them will not generate enough revenue to cover costs within the period of the bond issued to borrow money for them.
Jon Stewart, HBO Shelve Digital Short-Form Project: Reports
Cite 'technical issues' linked to production and distribution, say they'll pursue other projects
WHY THIS MATTERS: HBO's statement did not go into a lot of detail, but at the time of the 2015 partnership announcement, HBO and Stewart said they'd be working with OTOY, a company HBO took a stake in last year to create and publish original holographic content.






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