วันพุธที่ 26 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2560

CEDIA 2017: Exponential Excitement

CEDIA Training
CEDIA 2016
CEDIA 2017: Exponential Excitement

Exponential innovation. Exponential connections. Exponential sunshine.

showfloorThat's what you can expect at CEDIA 2017 — hundreds of exhibitors, dozens of training opportunities, and tens of thousands of attendees, all learning and connecting at the industry's most influential show.

And this year, it's in San Diego.

Couple this meeting of the minds and skills with the beautiful backdrop of the Southern California coast, and you've got a week in September like no other.

Some highlights:

  • A keynote on the Internet of Intelligent Things by Stringify co-founder (and former Cisco futurist) Dave Evans
  • The most robust and thoughtful training curriculum we've ever offered
  • An Awards banquet on the deck of the USS Midway
  • And the opportunity to become CEDIA certified in every discipline we offer

CEDIA members are now able to reserve hotel rooms based on their company's join date. Registration for CEDIA 2017 begins on May 31.

We can't wait to see you in San Diego, September 5-9, for CEDIA 2017. Learn more at cedia.net/show.


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