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Radio World NewsBytes: 2016 Holiday Special: Radio World’s Expert Voices Columns


Radio World NewsBytes Editor – Brett Moss
Radio World Editor in Chief – Paul McLane
2016 Holiday Special Edition:
Radio World Expert Voices Columns – 1/2/17
Through this holiday season, Radio World NewsBytes features selected collections of Radio World articles. In 2016 Radio World introduced several new special columns from industry groups — the International Association of Audio Information Services, College Broadcasters Inc. and the National Federation of Community Broadcasters. If you have a broadcast-oriented group or association and would like to be considered for contributorship, contact us at Radio World.
No Regrets: Longtime Audio Information Service Professional Retires (Jan. 12, 2016)
Meet Art Hadley. For four decades he's been a volunteer at the Kansas Audio-Reader network.

Campus View: Thank You, College Radio, for the Experience (Jan. 25, 2016)
Many broadcasters got their starts as college broadcasters.

Campus View: Get Ready for Online Filing (Feb. 29, 2016)
One of the key missions of Campus View is to educate the student broadcaster. Here the important issue of online filing is examined.

Audience Challenges (March 18, 2016)
All radio stations share one goal — finding their audience.

Campus View: Streaming Is Serious (March 25, 2016)
Like a lot of professional radio stations, college radio finds itself in a learning curve when it comes to internet audio streaming. Jessica Clary separates the wheat from the chaff.

Radio for the Blind: Marjorie Moore Leads Volunteer Organizations (July 15, 2016)
The new president of the IAAIS works in the important area of radio reading for the blind.

Campus View: Get to Know Your Staff (Aug. 24, 2016)
Evan Boyd, the station manager at WSUM(FM), University of Wisconsin, Madison, is learning early that staff relations are an important cog in the operation of a radio station.

Community Broadcaster: Using Big Data for Community Radio (Oct. 14, 2016)
Community broadcasters have a reputation as small and relatively unsophisticated when it comes to business, marketing and audience research. Ernest Aguilar works to dispel that myth.

Community Broadcaster: So What Is Community Radio Anyway? (Oct. 25, 2016)
It seems like an easy question, but it turns out to have many answers.

Campus View: How to Plan a News Takeover for a Music Station (Nov. 23, 2016)
Katelyn Fatzler, news director for Seton Hall's WSOU(FM), has her news crew make a run at covering an election like professionals.
Calendar of Events

CES 2017
Jan. 5–8
Las Vegas

SPERDVAC Old-Time Radio Convention
Jan. 20–21
Orleans Hotel & Casino
Las Vegas

Wisconsin Broadcasters Association Winter Conference
Jan. 25
Madison Concourse Hotel
Madison, Wis.

South Carolina Broadcasters Association Winter Conference
Jan. 26
Columbia, S.C.

European Radio Show/Salon de la Radio
Jan. 29–31

For a full list of upcoming events visit the Radio World calendar page.


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