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The RF Report -- November 30, 2016


Radio RF Report Editor: Emily Reigart
Radio Technical Editor: Doug Irwin

We Want to Showcase Your Cool Facility!
We are constantly on the lookout for interesting radio industry builds. Great leads have come from manufacturers, marketers, consultants, and others involved in radio technology who told us about broadcast facilities of all kinds. Send your ideas to radio@radiomagonline.com.

Tech, Regulation, Business & More

Flash Technology to Host FAA Regulations Webinar
Will go over new 70/7460-1L standards. More»

Stage III Forward Auction to Start Dec. 5
Reverse auction to conclude this Thursday. More»

CTA White Paper Tells Trump to Focus on IoT
Recommends that the next administration look to industry experts for guidance, create a cross-agency federal stakeholder group for IoT and make more spectrum available for IoT. More»

DTS Says 34 More Car Models Will Have HD Radios in 2017
14 new ones will be at dealerships before the New Year. More»

Norway: DAB+ Testing on the Water
James Cridland writes that any switchoff of FM transmissions needs to consider all radio users — even those in fishing boats off the coast of Norway. More»


3M Issues Inspection Notice for Lad-Saf X2/X3 Sleeves
Company says locking lever is reportedly not working properly in limited number of units. More»

GeoBroadcast Receives Patent for MaxxCasting Coverage Tech
Technology helps radio broadcasters maximize signal quality and coverage. More»

RFS Expands Slotted Array Antenna Line
“Slot” design applied to full range of UHF RFStar antennas. More»

Bangladesh Betar Chooses GatesAir for Phase II of HD Rollout
System comprises two GatesAir Flexiva FAX air-cooled 10 kW FM transmitters, antenna systems and all auxiliary and support equipment. More»

From Radio magazine

KWPZ's Backup Transmitter Site Comes in Handy
The station's transmitter site was moved to an island mountain 21 years ago and has had few causes to be off the air — which is good, because in the winter, the ferries only serve the island four times per day. More»

Introducing FM Class C4
There has been much discussion lately about a proposed new class of FM stations. More»

Radio Has Power Not Measured in Watts
One of the things that makes working in radio worthwhile and meaningful is the role it has played in shaping the world. More»

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